New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS)

The New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS) strives to be the premier advocate for science and science education through major programs including a Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition (6-12), an annual Outstanding Teachers' Award, an on-line NM Journal of Science, an annual Symposium or conference in conjunction with NM EPSCoR, sponsorship of the National Youth Science Camp, and recognition of Outstanding NM Scientists. The mission of the New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS) is to serve the state of New Mexico by publishing science and science education materials, giving recognition for contributions to science and science education, fostering scientific cooperation, raising awareness of the importance of science and science education, and providing advice to NM state government entities on matters related to science and science education.


This website has information about the New Mexico Academy of Science, its' programs, resources, publications, and opportunities for scientists and educators to volunteer in encouraging student scientists. Learn more about the Junior Academy of Science, Outstanding Teachers' Award, National Youth Science Camp, Lecture Programs, Annual Symposium and Conference, Journal of Science, and NMAS support of Next Generation Science Standards at the NM State Legislature.

Activity/Resource PDF:

Activity/Resource Website:

Contact Information

Malva A Knoll
Secretary, New Mexico Academy of Science

Work in Action: