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PROJECT SHOWCASE – browse all student research projects competing in Research Challenge
STEM HALL – visit profiles and interactive exhibits from our sponsors and community partners
SPEAKERS & PANELS – view engaging discussions with STEM professionals including:

  • Research Challenge Alumni
  • Health Professions
  • Energy & Engineering Careers

SCAVENGER HUNTSCAVENGER HUNT – OMG! OMG! Scavenger Hunt! OK, Student Participants, if you are reading this, DO NOT STOP! Do you like Swag? Of course, you do. Are you super smart? Well, you wouldn't be here if you weren't!! So, here's the deal. We have created an awesome virtual quest and we've decided to bestow those brave enough to take part in it the opportunity to win some REALLY cool stuff while having tons of fun. Come on, we all know that you like to have fun! So, click the link below to get to your very own Scavenger Hunt Form, and let's get this party started! What the heck are you waiting for?! TIME TO WIN SOME PRIZES AND LEARN SOME COOL STUFF!!

Any student participants who successfully complete this scavenger hunt form, with all the correct answers, will be entered into a drawing for fun and exciting prizes! The big prize winners will be announced during the grand awards ceremony on March, 26th 2022 starting at 5:00 pm. All winners will be emailed and the full list will be published on the UNM STEM-H Center website.

Technical Support
Laura Arguelles
Programmer Analyst

General Support
Erin Garcia, JD
Assistant Director/Program Specialist