The New Mexico Oil & Gas Association (NMOGA)

The New Mexico Oil & Gas Association (NMOGA) is a coalition of more than 1,000 oil and natural gas companies and individuals operating in the state of New Mexico. NMOGA is the oldest and largest organization representing the oil and gas industry in New Mexico and its members include all facets of oil and natural gas production, transportation, and delivery. The oil and natural gas industry is the largest economic and fiscal contributor to the state of New Mexico, supporting more than 134,000 jobs and $27 billion in annual economic activity. Taxes and royalties from the industry account for $5.3 billion in state and local revenue, accounting for 35% of New Mexico’s annual state budget and more than $1.3 billion for education and public schools. Visit to learn more.
STEM is the core of the oil and gas industry; from geologists helping to understand where the oil and gas are located and how to access it safely, to chemists who turn petroleum by-products into useful items, such as tires, soap, and face coverings. The STEM professionals working in the oil and gas industry work to protect the environment and reduce their carbon footprint. Scientists and researchers in New Mexico are helping producers recycle and conserve water in their operations. New Mexico's oil and gas companies are using groundbreaking technology, like infrared cameras and Aerial drones, to stop problems before they happen. The future of STEM is bright in the oil and gas industry!
Oil & Gas Careers
What The Frack
Why is Oil and Gas Important
Video for Why is Oil and Gas Important Activity
Quiz: How much do you know about energy?
Personal Energy Audit
Hydrocarbon Hunt
Other Resources
Resource Links for Other Activities from NMOGA Partners
For Students
National Energy Education Development
EIA Energy Kids
For Teachers
API In the Classroom
National Energy Education Development
IPAA Energy Education Center
EIA Energy Kids for Teachers
New Mexico Agriculture in the Classroom
Contact Information
Gloria Ruiz