Timmy Telescope Solar Astronomy Education

Timmy Telescope Solar Astronomy Education is the New Mexico informal solar astronomy education chapter of the international non-profit, Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project. Since 2009 we have provided over 1200 free, informal educational programs to approximately 200,000 children and adults representing the entire spectrum of American society. During our lessons (largely Hispanic, Native American and African American populations) visitors have been able to directly observe and learn about the Sun through our professional grade solar telescopes and spectroscope. Less than 1% of the world’s population ever gets this opportunity.

We have also focused on the science/career of spectroscopy or how scientists use light to study chemical composition. These programs have attempted to help fill gaps in classroom, museum or library based programming due to a lack of resources (such as trained experts and state-of-the–art equipment). Visitors have actively engaged in the scientific processes of observation, identification, analysis, and classification.


How do scientists use light to study chemical composition?

Activity/Resource Website: http://www.timmytelescope.com/outreach-materials/spectrum.html

Contact Information

Roger Kennedy

Work in Action: