UNM American Indian Student Services

American Indian Student Services (AISS) was established during the 1980-1981 academic year to increase the recruitment & retention of Native students. Currently, American Indian Student Services provides a range of student support programming for American Indian students attending The University of New Mexico-Main Campus in an effort to ensure their academic achievement and assist in the development of personal, cultural, and social success. AISS is also a liaison for Native students attending local high schools and schools located on or near tribal reservations; tribal and community colleges; tribal governments; and tribal higher education programs and organizations that directly impact the recruitment and retention of American Indian students at The University of New Mexico-Main Campus. All students are welcome!
Academic & Financial Aid Advisement
AISS Advisors provide academic & financial aid advisement and may assist in identifying applicable scholarships, answer questions about planning class schedules, providing direction with student holds, reviewing student degree plan checklists, and discussing financial aid packages & options. Comprehensive outreach & recruitment initiatives, student leadership development, programming designed to positively influence student persistence & graduation; and strong tribal community partnerships are AISS cornerstones.
Activity/Resource Website: https://aiss.unm.edu/services/advisement/academic-advisement.html
Financial Aid Advisors
AISS strives to educate and collaboratively work with students to plan & prepare for the financial obligations associated with pursing a degree at UNM. AISS Financial Aid Advisors are able to review, discuss, and interpret student financial aid files and opportunities.
Activity/Resource Website: https://aiss.unm.edu/services/advisement/financial-advisement.html
The AISS Scholarship Team works to provide one-stop site for students to find upcoming scholarships. The listing is updated regularly, so check back often.
Activity/Resource Website: https://aiss.unm.edu/scholarshipsfinancial-aid/private-scholarships.html
Contact Information
Andrew Yazzie
Student Recruitment Specialist